About Us

We are a group of students and experts that are specialists in the field of Construction Project Management, Business Administration, Real Estate, Blockchain, Data Science, and Legal consulting who are interested in utilizing the latest innovative technologies for the future of AEC Industry.

Those who have the intelligence to adapt will survive the innovation storm!

Dr. Emari, PMP
The story of

Tokenization of assets in the metaverse refers to the process of creating digital representations of real-world or virtual assets and making them available for purchase, trade, or ownership on blockchain platforms.

REITx Platform will make it possible for Businesses with Properties and Assets to facilitate the applications of Tokenization from a legal, regulatory, compliance, business, accounting and technology perspective. Using the QualityPMO Methodology, any team can navigate the complexity of creating digital representations through Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT)-based Token and reinvent the way they do business in the Metaverse using their facilities Digital Twins.




Best Selling


  • 1965

    The first ever Wide Area Network is established

  • 1969

    The first ever internet message is sent

  • 1977

    The EMARI System Thinking & Local Area Networks are born

  • 1983

    Domain Name System is born

  • 1990

    HTML is invented and WWW storms the internet

  • 1995

    Dr. Emari's first Website is published on the internet, Google to follow in 1996

  • 2006

    YouTube is born after the PayPal Mafia success

  • 2009

    Internet of Things is born and need for Blockchains is realized

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